Let's Superpower Our Kids

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Teach your kids about the powers of wellness while they’re young!

My SuperHero Foods School Donations Giving Tuesday

Give the gift of health!
Donate today!

Low-income schools and families have the least access to real, whole foods. Nutrition isn’t prioritized in most schools, so teachers who care have to pay out-of-pocket for lesson plans and materials.

We give back as much as we can by donating copies of our books out-of-pocket to schools and organizations, but we’d love to have your help too!

Purchase a copy of My SuperHero Foods at a discounted price that covers our costs or apply for a free copy to be sent to a specific school and we’ll feature your generosity in each donation!

We’ll include a donation sticker on the inside of each book with the contributor’s name.

And we’ll do our best to match a school in each donor’s location.

Join Hundreds of Families who have taught their kids about the powers of real food & quality sleep

It’s never too early to teach your kids about the POWERS of real foods and quality sleep.

Gone are the days where you force your kids to eat healthy foods. Instead, help them CONNECT how real foods and how they feel. This will empower them to ask for foods like broccoli and avocados because they’ll be able to play better and longer at the park.

Just as powerful as real foods is QUALITY sleep. Teach your children how a good night’s sleep helps them with activities they care about like drawing, playing, learning, and dancing. Then instead of fighting with them to go to bed, they’ll be excited for bedtime all by themselves!

Stories are powerful. Join hundreds of families who have used our books, My SuperHero Foods and My SuperHero Sleep to set their kids up for SUCCESS  today and in the future!

Ditch Pop Tarts & Eggo's for a Super Easy Nutrient Dense Breakfast

Are you a busy parent who wants to provide nutritious breakfasts for your kids? Does it feel impossible with everything you have to juggle in the morning?

You CAN transform your hectic breakfast dash with your kiddos into a nourishing and stress-free morning—and My SuperHero Foods can help!

Ditch Pop Tarts & Eggo's for a Super Easy Nutrient Dense Breakfast

Are you a busy parent who wants to provide nutritious breakfasts for your kids? Does it feel impossible with everything you have to juggle in the morning?

You CAN transform your hectic breakfast dash with your kiddos into a nourishing and stress-free morning—and My SuperHero Foods can help!

Let's work together to raise healthy kids!

Hello there, we are Haley Scheich and Dr. Tarek Pacha, the authors of My SuperHero Foods and My SuperHero Sleep. We believe that food is the ultimate medicine. When we nourish our bodies with quality, we can become our healthiest selves. It’s amazing to see how dramatically things can change when you switch out processed foods for whole, nutrient-dense food.

As we raised our kids, we’ve learned that most kids don’t stand a chance to thrive. This is because Big Food hides sugar and other dangerous ingredients. Labels are deceptive and incredibly difficult to interpret, and deceptive marketing is everywhere.

Kids deserve this information. As kids start to understand the power of nutrient-dense whole food and quality sleep, they will hold us accountable to eat better and sleep better too!

Let’s change family habits––starting with our kids!

Words of kindness

Want to build a healthier family with us?

There’s no time like today. And there’s nothing like building a community of SuperHero friends to help us stick to our goals.
That’s why we’re launching have a FREE program called #SuperHeroYOU. Earn prizes while learning new tips and tricks to help you and your family thrive ALL year.

Have you heard about the dangers of seed oils?

There is so much confusing and misleading information about cooking fats and oils. What’s healthy and what isn’t? What’s the best oil to use for different applications? Our e-book is designed to cut through this confusion!

In our new book, The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Seed Oils in Your Kitchen, we break down each of our favorite cooking fats and the best applications for each. We also go into cost-saving tips, our trusted brands, and the best way to store your cooking fats to keep them fresh for longer. Plus, it includes a super practical cheat sheet you can post on your fridge for a quick reference when you need it most.

Thoroughly researched and full of practical tips, our e-book will help you and your family cut out seed oils for good.


get free access to our resource library

You’ll get our FREE Companion Guide for caregivers which includes 26 surefire ways to get your kiddos excited about real, whole foods!

Check out our blog &  nutrient-dense recipes!

Frequently asked questions

The calorie myth.
We are biology, not math.
A calorie is not a calorie.  100 calories from a skittles is not the same as 100 calories from grass fed beef.  Our body communicates through messengers, not calories.  So, stop counting calories and focus on nutrient density.  When we eat nutrient dense food, out body will self regulate.

Focus on ingredients, not calories.  Remember what we don’t consume is as important as what we do consume.

We believe that every BODY is different. Some adults thrive on a keto diet and others do best eating vegan. Others have the most energy and cure many ailments while eating like a carnivore.  

What foods work well is very specific to the individual. Through trial and error, you can personalize your diet to what works best for you via Personalized Nutrition. But at the core of every diet, the theme is common: WHOLE, REAL foods. The same applies to children.  

We believe that WHOLE FOODS – foods that have been processed or refined as LITTLE as possible and are FREE from additives or other artificial substances – help children thrive!  The SuperHero foods we choose are foods that are WHOLE and packed with lots of nutrition.

There are many SuperHero foods we can add to our list. We’d love to know which new foods you’d like to see on our list!

And while you and your children may not be able to eat all of these foods because of your dietary restrictions or choices, we believe that increasing awareness about eating more of the Superhero Foods that are the best for your values will get you and your family one step closer to our mission!

We notice a big difference!  On special occasions, we make french toast or pancakes for breakfast with the best ingredients possible. But we like to save these sugar-filled breakfasts for weekends because when our kids start their day with sugar and heavy carbs, they crash about two hours later.  

When they eat sugary foods, we notice that they are more emotional and that they are not able to concentrate as well. In general, the less sugar they eat, the more calm and focused they are!

Remember that fast food is actually not very cheap! With some thoughtful preparation, you can use the best ingredients at the same or even reduced cost to prepare SuperHero meals. 

Also, when considering the cost of whole SuperHero foods, remember that the secondary costs of future doctor visits are even more expensive.

Third, feeding your children SuperHero foods that help them excel and thrive as they grow is priceless.

Stay tuned for more detailed SuperHero food cost-saving tips!

We believe that fresh fruit is the best sugar alternative. Then dried fruit with no added sugar.

But we can’t add fruit to everything, so we opt for honey and maple syrup if fruit doesn’t work.

If we are baking and the recipe calls for sugar, our general rule of thumb is: Cut the amount of sugar in half and then substitute it for honey or maple syrup. For example, if the recipe calls for one cup of sugar, we use a half-cup of maple syrup instead. 

If we are making whipped cream, we substitute maple syrup for sugar.  If we want to sweeten plain full fat yogurt, we drizzle some raw honey on top or add some berries. If we want to sweeten a smoothie, we throw in a date. The combinations are endless!

For more tips on superhero foods head to our FAQ page