Search Results for: glyphosate

Bye Bye Glyphosate

BYE BYEGlyphosate BYE BYEGlyphosate ENROLL NOW! don’t miss out on a chance to help your family thrive! Bye Bye, Glyphosate! Growing bodies of evidence support the harmful effects that glyphosate has on our bodies and our planet. Given the growing literature (and lawsuits), we believe that we should try to minimize our exposure to glyphosate as much as we can. The good news is that we can do this by better understanding how our food is grown, supporting local and organic, and by eating more whole foods that we cook at home. It sounds like a win-win to us. There

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glyphosate Glyphosate Let’s Superpower Our Kids 10% off discount code when you subscribe What Is Glyphosate?  Glyphosate is an herbicide that kills weeds. We call it the antibiotic against Earth. It has other uses such as manipulating plant growth, preparing crops for harvest, and even ripening fruit. Monsanto, which was sold to Bayer in 2018, developed glyphosate and sold it under their trade name, Roundup.  Glyphosate was first synthesized in 1950 and was originally patented as an antibiotic. In 1974, glyphosate began to be used as a weed-killer known as Roundup. Things took a turn for the worse in 1996

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Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals Heavy Metals Let’s Superpower Our Kids 10% off discount code when you subscribe Heavy Metals Heavy metals can seem like a confusing topic at first glance. Not to fret! We’re here to lay out the basics so that you can feel empowered to make informed decisions about what you and your family consume. Please note that this is not medical advice. We encourage you to read this guide, consult your own team of health professionals, and continue researching this topic to make the best decisions for you and your family. We’ve been exploring and learning more about heavy

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Harmful ingredients allowed by the FDA

20+ Harmful Ingredients Allowed by the FDA but Banned in Europe & Beyond: Understanding Hidden Ingredients in Food

From skincare to snacks, artificial ingredients seem to be in just about every product. When diving deeper into the rabbit hole of these sneaky chemicals, there’s a key detail that is often left out of the conversation. Some harmful ingredients allowed by the FDA in the United States but are banned (with good reason) in foreign countries It’s no secret that the relationship between industrial agriculture, Big Food manufacturers, lobbyists, and policy makers is complicated. This web of bureaucracy, money, power, and deceptive marketing makes it harder for regulatory agencies to ban potentially harmful artificial ingredients in our food. While

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Nourishing hot chocolate recipe

Nourishing Hot Chocolate with Homemade Marshmallows Recipe: Hot Cocoa You Can Feel Good About Feeding to Your Kids

Most hot chocolate mixes are filled with processed sugars, natural flavors, emulsifiers, and more. To put it bluntly, they don’t cut it. That’s why we choose to make our own nourishing hot chocolate recipe at home! For example, let’s take a look at a Swiss Miss packet. The first two ingredients in Swiss Miss are sugar and corn syrup. There are 28 grams of sugar per serving. The recommended added sugar for your kiddo is AT MOST 25 grams per day, which means this one cup of cocoa would be one full day’s worth of sugar plus some. Swiss Miss

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Stewed apples recipe

Stewed Apples Recipe: A Delicious Way to Support a Healthy Gut

We’ve all heard the saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Whole fruit is a favorite SuperHero food in our household—we always prefer them over fruit juice. Plus, whole fruits, including apples, provide a lot of beneficial fiber and nutrients for our bodies. This stewed apples recipe takes that old adage a step further. Cooked apples have fiber that is easier to digest and more accessible to the healthy bacteria in our gut. The best part about this recipe is that it is so simple. My kids love to eat these apples as a side to any meal

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Synthetic vitamins

Synthetic Vitamins

Synthetic Vitamins Synthetic Vitamins Let’s Superpower Our Kids 10% off discount code when you subscribe Why You Should Ditch the Synthetic Vitamins: Synthetic Vitamins Can’t Replace a Whole Food Diet Vitamins are crucial nutrients that are essential for maintaining good health. They play a vital role in countless reactions happening in our bodies every second. So, taking a multivitamin is definitely good for you, right? Actually, where those vitamins come from and how you consume them matters a lot, and the synthetic vitamins found in most supplements and many processed foods are not the kind of vitamins we want. A

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Ultra Processed Food

Bye Bye Ultra Processed Food

Ultra Processed Food Ultra Processed Food ENROLL NOW! don’t miss out on a chance to help your family thrive! Bye Bye Ultra Processed Food Humans have been processing food forever. Processing can be as simple as picking through a basket of berries to remove any green fruits or leaves and freezing them for later, or it can be as complicated as altering the chemical bonds in a food. Today, most of the food we eat is processed in some way.  Processing is not inherently bad– it can improve food safety and allow us to store food for longer. However, when

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